Posted by: soniahs | April 29, 2011

Friday bunnyblogging

Well, today I’d planned to proceed to the next bunny behavior list item and discuss pooping. Which is quite an important bunny activity, as we shall see! However, today continues the very busy trend of this entire week, so I’ll have to delay this critical topic till later…

On today’s menu for me: working on dissertation, trying to get to Titusville and fight traffic for STS-134 launch (final launch of Endeavour) (well, the launch was apparently scrubbed, so that means more time to work on dissertation stuff), then proceeding to downtown Orlando (fighting more traffic) for opera this evening (La Boheme).

On today’s menu for Noe: snack of lettuce, a long nap, then dinner of timothy pellets followed by orchard grass hay, then a nice forehead rub from humans.

I can already tell who will have the more relaxing day!

Check out her front teeth behind her harelip...
